Visualização Cartográfica Assistida num Ambiente SOLAP
João Moura Pires (superv.), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, June 2013.
The concept Spatial OLAP brings the cartographic visualization to the Business Intel- ligent/OLAP systems. The cartographic visualization has the potential to improve the analysis of big spatial data sets and the respective decision-making process but is dependent from correct use of the visual variables and other graphics elements used to represent information in the map. In this work, is proposed a model to assist the analyst in the construction of the cartographic visualization. The proposed model considers: (i) the meta-information in the multidimensional models; (ii) the performed query; (iii) the result data set. By the proposed system, is intended to assist the analyst in the construction of the appropriated thematic maps and the creation of a instance of that visualization.
In this work is proposed: (i) a model to describe visualization types; (ii) a model to describe a SOLAP analytic context; (iii) a methodology to select an appropriate applicable visualization type in which SOLAP analytic context. The assisted cartographic model in a SOLAP environment, proposed in this work is implemented in the SOLAP+ prototype.